Course Synopsis
The material contained within this document was created by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), as the instructional guide for Texas License To Carry A Handgun Instructors to use in accordance with the requirements of Texas Government Code §411.188.
Course Description
This course is designed for a minimum of four (4) hours, maximum six (6) hours of classroom instruction, written examination and the proficiency demonstration. Material is provided in modules with specific amounts of time allotted for each module.
Course Objective
The overall objective of this course is to educate students on the responsibilities and laws applicable to handgun license holders. Specific objectives are outlined at the beginning of each training module.
Course presentation: Instructors have the flexibility to present the course material using standard accepted teaching methods. The following guidelines apply:
All topics in each module must be covered; however, the presentation style may be developed by the individual instructor.
Material may be presented with or without handouts.
PowerPoint presentations may be used but are not required.
Classes must be taught in the State of Texas.
Only License To Carry A Handgun Instructor(s) certified by the Texas Department of Public Safety may teach this class. (No guest instructors are permitted.)
The instructor must present the material in person. Recorded presentations are not allowed.
The course is designed in modules and must include
Module 1 ‐Laws that relate to weapons and to the use of deadly force
Module 2 ‐Handgun use and safety, including use of restraint holsters and methods to ensure the secure carrying of openly carried handguns
Module 3 – Non‐violent dispute resolution
Module 4 ‐Proper storage practices for handguns with an emphasis on storage practices that eliminate the possibility of accidental injury to a child
Written Examination and Proficiency Demonstration
The student must be given the current DPS LTC student test and the student must complete the test independently.
The proficiency demonstration must be conducted by a certified Texas LTC Instructor using the current course of fire, as determined by the Department of Public Safety. A passing score of 70% is required for the written and the proficiency demonstration for successful completion.